Energy Sector Experts – Senior Cat III – Kenya….at NTU International A/S

About the job

Key Expert 1: Senior experts type III (international work references)

Project: Technical Assistance to “Continental Energy Programme in Africa”

The overall objective of this contract is to deliver high level technical assistance and policy advice at country, regional and continental level through expert missions that will be mobilised at short notice to support committed countries and partners to reach the objectives for the development and implementation of 3 panafrican energy programmes: AfSEM, CMP and AfEES. It will support AU institutions and AU MS to improve their policy and regulatory conditions aiming at providing attractive and enabling conditions for the uptake of such continental frameworks, while attracting public and private investment in energy access, renewable energy as well as energy efficiency taking into account climate change, gender and health impacts.

NTU International A/S, leading a strong international consortium, is proud to have been awarded the Technical Assistance to CEPA project.

Keep updated and follow us at https://www.linkedin.com/company/ntu-international for more information on our projects.

Position: Team leader – Continental Power Systems MasterPlan

As Team Leader, you will be responsible for the following assignments:

  • Effectively managing all activities carried out within the contract;
  • Developing the strategic and monitoring framework, planning, and implementing relevant activities that will contribute to the realisation of the expected results
  • Develop continental, regional, and national policies and regulatory frameworks, including green energy development in Africa;

Assignment duration: 440 working person-days in total

Qualifications and skills:

  • Master’s degree in economics, management, engineering, life sciences, industry, development-related studies, environmental studies law, business administration, finance or a relevant, directly related discipline;
  • In its absence, this degree can be replaced by a Bachelor’s degree (or equivalent diploma) plus equivalent relevant professional experience (a minimum of 2 years, in addition to the required “general professional experience”, can be considered as “equivalent”)

General Professional Experience:

  • At least 12 years of relevant professional experience in the field of energy

Language skills:

  • At least level C1 in English
  • At least level C1 in French

Specific professional experience:

  • At least 7 years of experience related to the policy and regulatory framework of the energy sector (e.g. electricity codes, tariff policies, renewable energy and/or energy efficiency regulation and support schemes, electricity planning and masterplans, unbundling processes, support to regulatory authorities, mini-grid or independent production regulation, energy access masterplans, energy statistics, energy markets), some of which must be in Africa;
  • Working experience in a national and/or regional regulatory authority, in an energy Ministry and/or in the commercial/legal part of a utility is an asset;
  • Experience in technical assistance related to sustainable energy for international organisations and/or International Finance Institutions (IFIs) and/or sustainable energy agencies is an asset;
  • Experience in managing technical assistance teams is an asset;
  • Experience in power systems’ planning (e.g drafting electricity master plans; design and operation of power plants; management of intermittent power) is an asset;
  • Experience in the EU policy and/or acquis communautaire in the field of energy is an asset;
  • Previous experience with EU-funded projects or for another donor organisations is an asset.

If you are interested in this position, please apply and upload your CV. Please also make sure that you include one or more telephone numbers.

Please note that only selected candidates will be contacted due to the large amount of applicants.

NTU International is a leading international consulting firm providing programme management and advisory services for development projects worldwide. For almost three decades, NTU has been delivering sustainable development projects and advisory services within engineering, policy, economics, and social fields. With more than 1.100 international projects and studies already completed, and 16 project offices around the world, we have established ourselves as a leading consulting company. With the expansion of international activities and clients, NTU’s project pipeline and opportunities have grown significantly, therefore, we are looking for a motivated and result oriented individual and/or company, institution or organisation, who is interested in experiencing being part of our international success.


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