Cash Consortium of Sudan (CCS) Project Manager – Common Systems & Financial Service Provider (FSP) engagement @ Mercy Corps
About Mercy Corps
Mercy Corps’ Sudan crisis response seeks to meet the humanitarian needs of vulnerable Sudanese and other conflict-affected people across the country. Mercy Corps Sudan is recognized as a leader in market systems, agricultural, and food security and building on this experience, the MC Sudan humanitarian program will layer in resilience and other program activities where appropriate and feasible to do so. Assistance is delivered with a focus on needs, in partnership with local actors and civil society.
The Position
The purpose of the Project Manger position is to enhance the speed and efficiency of Multi-Purpose Cash Assistance (MPCA) and Group Cash Transfers (GCT) delivery in Sudan through working with partners and the Sudan Cash Working Group (CWG) in FSP scouting, mapping and analysis, recommendations for addressing liquidity concerns, development of common contracting for CCS partners and development of a common payment system that is able to facilitate secure and efficient cash assistance, integrate existing humanitarian organization systems, scale up to accommodate additional actors as need be, and is compliant with international best practices and regulations.