Chief Executive Officer (CEO) @ Social Health Authority(SHA) – Kenya


The Chief Executive Officer shall oversee the day-to-day operations of SHA under the guidance of the Board. The CEO will be responsible for administering the Funds established under the Social Health Insurance Act, developing strategies, and implementing Policies to achieve the Authority’s objectives. The CEO will also represent SHA in high-level engagements with stakeholders and ensure the Authority’s sustainability through prudent resource management. The CEO will ensure that the existing Government Financial and Procurement Regulations shall, to the extent they relate to the administration of public Funds established under the Public Finance Management Act, No. 18 of 2012 apply in the administration of the Primary Healthcare Fund, the Social Health Insurance Fund and the Emergency, Chronic and Critical Illness Fund.


Applicants must meet the following minimum requirements as stipulated under the Social Health Insurance Act, 2023:

  1. Be a Kenyan citizen.
  2. Has a minimum of a master ’s degree from a university recognized in Kenya;
  3. Has at least ten years’ knowledge and experience in health insurance, health financing, health Economics, healthcare administration or any other relevant field;
  4. Has served in a management level for a period of at least five years;
  5. Has not been convicted of an offence and is not serving a term of imprisonment; and
  6. Meets the requirements of chapter six of the Constitution.


  1. Ability to think strategically and innovatively;
  2. Proven intellectual leadership in managing people and financial resources;
  3. Excellent interpersonal, management and communication skills;
  4. Excellent organizational skills and highly confident;
  5. Proficiency in Computer application;
  6. Negotiation skills.


  1. The Chief Executive Officer shall be administrator of the Funds established under the Social Health Insurance Act (SHI) Act and any other applicable laws and shall;
  1. Open and operate such bank accounts with the approval of the Board and the National Treasury;
  2. Supervise and control the day-to-day administration of the Funds established under SHI Act;
  3. In consultation with the Board, develop such policies as may be necessary for the attainment of the objects of the Funds established under SHI Act;
  4. Consult with the Board on matters relating to the administration of the Funds established under SHI Act;
  5. Cause to be kept books of accounts and other books and records in relation to the Funds established under this Act of all activities and undertakings financed from the Funds;
  6. With the approval of the Board, enter into and sign contracts or agreements in furtherance of the objects of the Funds established under this Act;
  7. Ensure compliance to the existing government financial and procurement regulations in the administration of the Primary Healthcare fund, the Social Health Insurance fund and the Emergency, Chronic and Critical Illness fund;
  8. Ensure that the monies held in the Primary Healthcare Fund, The Social Health Insurance Fund and The Emergency, Chronic and Critical Illness Fund, including any earnings or accruals are spent only for the purposes for which these funds are established;
  9. Prepare, sign and transmit to the Auditor-General, in respect of each financial year and within three months after the end thereof, a statement of accounts relating to the Funds established under this Act and showing the expenditure incurred from the Funds, and such details as the Public Sector Accounting Standards Board may prescribe from time to time, in accordance with the provisions of the Public Finance Management Act and the Public Audit Act;
  10. Prepare quarterly and annual financial and non-financial reports in a format prescribed by the Public Sector Accounting Standards Board and submit the same to the National Treasury with copies to the Controller of Budget and the Commission on Revenue Allocation; and
  11. Implement any recommendations from the Board for policy guidance in furtherance of the objects and purpose of the Funds established under SHI Act.
  12. The Chief Executive Officer further shall, subject to the directions of the Board, be responsible for the day to day management of the affairs and staff of the Board and shall;
  1. Provide leadership to senior management and staff;
  2. Be responsible for performing the functions, duties and responsibilities of Accounting Officer as required under Section 68 (2) of the Public Finance Management Act;
  3. Prepare annual budgets and establish proper internal controls;
  4. Be responsible for the execution and communication of the Board’s strategies, decisions and policies;
  5. Develop and recommend to the Board the long-term strategy, annual business plans, and annual operating budgets; and establishing proper internal monitoring and control systems and procedures;
  6. Ensure timely resolution of Internal and External Audit queries;
  7. Coordinate and prepare business related proposals, reports and other submissions for consideration by the Board;
  8. Ensuring that the organization has a robust management structure including effective succession plan;
  9. Ensuring that all Board papers are accurately written, are relevant, and availed to the Board members in a timely manner;
  10. Serving as the link between the Board and the management;
  11. Putting in place effective administrative structures, processes and systems;
  12. Provide regular, thorough and prompt communication to the Board on key technical, financial and administrative matters;
  13. Being responsible for stakeholder management and enhancement of the corporate image of the organization;
  14. Ensuring timely development and approval of the Authority’s annual procurement plans by the Board as required by the law;
  15. Ensuring that all approved procurement contracts are undertaken within the law;
  16. Ensure that management matters of the Authority are carried out in line with the existing laws and regulations including:
    1. Article 10 of the Constitution;
    2. Article 232 of the Constitution;
    3. The Social Health Insurance Act, No. 16 of 2023;
    4. Public Service Values and Principles Act, 2015;
    5. State Corporations Act.
    6. Public Service (Performance Management) Regulations;
    7. Human Resource Policies and Procedures Manual for the Public Service;
    8. Public Finance Management Act, 2012;
    9. Finance Policies and Procedures Manual;
    10. Public Procurement and Disposal Act;
    11. Procurement Policies and Procedures Manual;
    12. Public Officers Ethics Act;
    13. Leadership and Integrity Act;
    14. Mwongozo; the Code of Governance for State Corporations
    15. State Corporations Act, Cap 446;
    16. State Corporations (Performance Contracting) Regulations 2004;
    17. Other Organizational policies and Procedures Manuals;
    18. The Board Charter; and
    19. Any other relevant law and Government Circulars as issued from time to time.

how to apply

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