Environmental Law Expert at UNEP
Duties and Responsibilities
Background: The United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) is the leading global environmental authority that sets the global environmental agenda, promotes the coherent implementation of the environmental dimension of sustainable development within the United Nations system, and serves as an authoritative advocate for the global environment. The UNEP Law Division is the lead Division charged with carrying out the functions of UNEP in the field of environmental law, governance, and related policy issues, including those related to multilateral environmental agreements (MEAs). The Law Division also leads UNEP’s role as Secretariat to the Fifth Montevideo Programme on the Development and Periodic Review of Environmental Law (Montevideo Programme V). Montevideo Programme V is ten-year intergovernmental programme adopted by the UN Environment Assembly at its fourth meeting in March 2019. Montevideo V Programme will promote environmental rule of law, strengthen the related capacities in countries, and contribute to the environmental dimension of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. The Programme commenced in January 2020 and is a flagship initiative of the Law Division. This consultancy will support the implementation of the project “Environmentally sounder and safer waste management frameworks in Africa”, funded by the United Nations Development Account (UNDA), which is implemented by UNEP in partnership with the United Nations Human Settlements Programme (UN-Habitat). Specifically, the project aims to strengthen waste management frameworks of selected countries in Africa (Guinea-Bissau, Nigeria, and Sierra Leone) with the aim of promoting the environmentally sound and safe management of waste and the better inclusion of informal structures and workers, thus ensuring protection of the health and rights of informal waste pickers. The project falls under the umbrella Law Division project “Progressive Development and Implementation of Environmental Law: Delivering Montevideo Programme V”. Duties and Responsibilities: Under the supervision of the Head of Unit or his/her designated representative, the consultant will: (i) Draft a report on gaps and needs of Nigeria’s legislative and institutional frameworks related to waste management. This report will incorporate findings from: • A field study conducted in Q3 2024. • The application of the Waste Wise Cities Tool (WaCT) by UN-Habitat in Abuja. • Additional desk research conducted by the consultant. (ii) Draft a report on specific measures relating to the labor workforce in waste management for consideration in legislative reforms, taking into account international labor and health standards and best practices. (iii) Develop recommendations for reforming Nigeria’s legislative and institutional frameworks for waste management, based on the gaps and needs assessment report and ensuring that the recommendations adequately address the informal labor sector and promote integrated waste management principles. (iv) Facilitate stakeholder consultations and validation workshops with national and local stakeholders, provisionally scheduled for Q2 2025. These workshops will assess the impact of existing waste management regulatory frameworks on informal structures; identify adjustments needed to align the framework with integrated waste management principles; validate findings and recommendations for reform. The consultant will be responsible for integrating the outcomes of these consultations and workshops into the final recommendations. The consultant will also provide feedback on the agendas, stakeholders’ lists, and meeting reports, and will also be required to prepare and deliver presentations on the work conducted. (v) Work in close collaboration with UNEP, UN-Habitat and stakeholders involved, provide regular updates on the progress of the activities to UNEP, as required, and carry out any other tasks which may be assigned under the project.
Qualifications/special skills
A Bachelor’s degree in Nigerian law, specializing in environmental law/policy, waste management law, or other relevant qualifications is required. A minimum of two years of progressively responsible experience in the field of environmental law/ policy in Nigeria is required. Experience in research and analytical report writing on legal and policy issues related to waste management is desirable.
Fluency in oral and written English is required.