Teaching Vacancies at Mama Ngina University College (MNUC)
Post of Lecturer (Medical Microbiology)
Job Responsibilities
- Any other relevant duty assigned by the University College.
- Coordinating course projects and practical work;
- Developing proposals for research funding;
- Establish collaborative linkages and networks through communication, collaboration and participation for resource mobilization for the University College
- Lecturing in the area of specialization in accordance with the syllabus;
- Presenting academic papers at conferences/seminars/workshops or symposia;
- Setting, invigilating and marking examinations/assignments;
- Writing journal articles and books;
Post of Lecturer (Population Health)
Job Responsibilities
- Coordinating course projects and practical work;
- Any other relevant duty assigned by the University College
- Establish collaborative linkages and networks through communication, collaboration and participation for resource mobilization for the University College
- Lecturing in the area of specialization in accordance with the syllabus;
- Preparing student progress reports;
- Present research findings and innovations to international conferences in order to increase the visibility of the University and influence the international policy environment for the improvement of life;
- Setting, invigilating and marking examinations/assignments;
Post of Tutorial Fellow (Population Health)
Job Responsibilities
- Any other relevant duty assigned by the University College
- Participating in the development and review of academic programmes
- Student assessment
- Supervising students in research projects at undergraduate level;
- Undertaking teaching, research and community outreach activities;
Post of Lecturer (Health Records and Information Management)

Job Responsibilities
- Any other relevant duty assigned by the University College.
- Coordinating course projects and practical work;
- Developing proposals for research funding;
- Engage with local and international stakeholders to establish linkages and networks in order to work together for the betterment of communities in various ways, such as through research and innovations;
- Establish collaborative linkages and networks through communication, collaboration and participation for resource mobilization for the University College
- Lecturing in the area of specialization in accordance with the syllabus;
- Preparing teaching/learning materials;
- Present research findings and innovations to international conferences in order to increase the visibility of the University and influence the international policy environment for the improvement of life;
- Supervising Tutorial/Junior Research Fellows and students
Post of Tutorial Fellow (Health Records and Information Management)
Job Responsibilities
- Administering examinations at undergraduate level;
- Any other relevant duty assigned by the University College.
- Guiding and counsel students;
- Participating in the development and review of academic programmes;
- Student assessment;
- Supervising students in research projects at undergraduate level;
- Undertaking teaching, research and community outreach activities;